For 3 days only! Receive a sterling silver Moments bracelet or bangle, free of charge when spending £125 or more on Pandora jewellery in our stores! Come and admire the beautiful range, available in our Ipswich, Windsor, Abingdon and Thame stores! Hurry whilst the offer still stands!
This Pandora free silver bracelet event is the perfect opportunity to spoil someone special or even to treat yourself! Our extensive Pandora range has a wide variety of charms, bracelets, bangles, rings, necklaces and earrings. Stocking all the popular collections, and of course the latest Pandora Autumn collection, you will not be disappointed!
New Pandora collector? This is the perfect time to widen your own personal selection. By spending the £125 on charms and accessories and getting a free bracelet will mean that you will have plenty of Pandora charms on your bracelet from the word go! Don’t miss out!