If you’ve just got engaged, the chances are you’ll be wanting to shout it from the rooftops. From a health and safety point of view, we don’t recommend that as the best method of getting your news out there, but there are other important things to consider when sharing your exciting news, too. This guide takes you through the dos and don’ts of announcing your engagement, ensuring a smooth process and no hurt feelings.
Before you do share your news with your loved ones though, I’d recommend taking some time out with your partner and enjoying your new-found relationship status together, because as soon as your news is out there, you’ll be fielding questions on wedding venues, dates and colour schemes from anyone and everyone!
Step 1: Face to face

Don’t let your parents find out from anyone but you
There are some people in your life that you need to tell face-to-face, if possible. If you have any children, they should be your first port of call. I imagine they have been prepared for this eventuality, but they may need some reassurance from you that nothing is going to change in a negative way, and you will love them just as much as you do now.
Next on the list are both sets of parents, and any siblings you have. A great way to do this is to gather both of your families together for a celebratory meal, where you can break your news to everyone all at once, thereby avoiding any claims of favouritism. Every family is different though — you may be closer to some family members than others, you may not speak to some members, or some may live abroad — so as a rule of thumb, do what feels right for you and your situation.
Step 2: Phone calls

Make your friend’s day over the phone
For your closest friends and extended family members, if you can’t see them face-to-face soon after the engagement, a phone call is the best way to break the news — after all, how would you feel if you found out via a generic Facebook post that your best friend had just got engaged? If you can’t get hold of them and you’re too excited to wait, you could message them, but use this as a last resort option. If you do text them, make sure to make it clear that you tried to call but were too excited to wait for a call back. I’m sure they’ll return your call as soon as they can.
Step 3: Social media

Tell the world on social media
Now you’ve let all your closest friends and family know, it’s time to share your news with the world! Before you do so, double check that you and your partner have told everyone you need to tell personally. Facebook and Instagram are popular choices for social media engagement announcements, so get your engagement ring ready for a close-up! Check out our article on 5 fun ways to announce your engagement on social media, and get creative with videos or pets!
Or… throw an engagement party

Everyone can admire your ring at an engagement party!
If you and your fiancé/fiancée enjoy a good party, you could consider keeping the news to yourselves for a while and inviting all of your friends and family to a surprise engagement party instead, where you can tell everyone together. Of course, only invite people you will definitely be inviting to your wedding, and make sure you tell anyone who can’t make it on the day the reason for the celebration!
Bonus Step: Tell us your story!
Ready to shout about your engagement? Robert Gatward Jewellers is here to tell YOUR story. If you’d like to feature in #ShareMyEngagement, our blog spot for inspiring proposal stories, please email any photos and details of the proposal to Chloë (Social Media at Robert Gatward) via [email protected] with the subject heading “#ShareMyEngagement”.